Sunday, June 9, 2024

Ava Kohboor | BAZM nah RAZM (music/merriment not bombs/war)


Bazm and Razm are two concepts rooted in pre-Islamic Iran. Bazm is a festive celebration of togetherness, having good times with drinking wine, playing music, reciting poetry, and dancing v.s. Razm which is about war and military skills.

Bazm not Razm are a collection of electro-acoustic sculptural sound instruments. Each instrument is a system which is made of different materials/shapes pointing at various cultural references or musical gestures. The sound either generates from embedded circuits within the sculpture or amplified through materials in hand. The shapes are either an assemblage from found objects or made from scratch. 

If you want to see them closely come and join us on Saturday, June 8th, 4 - 6 pm. 

Or attend our collective performance on Sunday, June 23rd, 5- 6 pm

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Lug | DL Alvarez

Lug DL Alvarez

Saturday Afternoon
March 9th, 2024
992 Valencia

3:30 Doors open
4:00 DL Reading (adult subjects)
4:30–6 Reception

Drawings on view 3/5—3/29

Friday, December 1, 2023

Angela Reginato | Nada Que Ver

Nada Que Ver

A series or drawings by Angele Reginato
Dec. 2-23 @ Right Window
Opening Reception Saturday, Dec. 2, 2-6 p.m.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Nancy Arms Simon | Everyone wants to be a June Bride




Everyone wants to be a June bride, an installation by Nancy Arms Simon, reflects on past information, as seen through modelled behavior and expectations that inform the present, leading to obligations and causing repeated behavior.

Multi-disciplinary artist Nancy Arms Simon rectifies the outer world with her inner world by assembling drawings, paintings, photos, found images, and objects into new narratives and identities.








Nancy balances codeshifting between multiple worlds with creating a Third Space (in the studio, among created family and while traveling) so that she can exist as her authentic self. 


Nancy holds a BA in painting and has worked in the fine arts industrial complex for nearly 30 years. She has lived and worked in San Francisco since 1998 and seems to make a kind of sense here.








Organized by Tanya Hollis


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Ava Kohboor | Victor Saucedo


Ava Koohbor

Ava's assemblages are visual manifestations of her poem from Woman's Talisman.
Her book, Death Under Construction, published 2020 by Ugly Duckling Presse.

My body's unschooled
locating its own warmth
intimate with the sun
led about by the wind
I came into this world nude
but I exit covered up
covering up my speech
covering up my body
covering up my mind
where shall I
undress to
caress the skin of life?


Victor Saucedo

Victor Saucedo explores their relationship with White American history and society through their experimentation with bodies, ceramics and digital collage. Taking inspiration from David Hammonds gestural prints and their own visceral family encounters. Saucedo builds on as a multidisciplinary artist, reclaiming imprints from historical documents, internet culture and pornography. Saucedo’s confrontational style aims for audiences to reflect on their shared experiences or never even realizing their prejudice and lack of empathy (although unraveled in their volatile reactions).

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sylvia Hughes-Gonzales and Ebti | Invasive Fantasy

INVASIVE FANTASY is a participatory photo booth that exists partly online, by Sylvia Hughes-Gonzales and Ebti.

Palm trees evoke California dreaming, wealth, relaxation, land of promise and the enduring allure of the west. Our fantasy-propelled social media culture is saturated with them. Although palm trees remain an integral part of California identity much of what they symbolize is borrowed from faraway places. 

California only has one native palm. The rest were brought and planted here for their association with regions exoticized by the west such as tropical Islands and the “Middle east”. Is California a place that never was? Full of false promises and borrowed identity? Is it a fantasy? Much like social media where images float unmoored from their context, so too does the palm tree. 

Palm Assembly is an ongoing collaboration between two artists based in California. One from Cairo where the palm tree symbolizes all the love of place and home. The other from the Gulf Coast where palm trees inspire resilience for their ability to bend but rarely break in hurricane winds. 

We at Palm Assembly find ourselves both anchored and lost by palm trees all at the same time. Please join our conversation. For better or for worse our goal is to plant more palm trees on the social media terrain.